Monday, June 30, 2008

Road Trips...

I was hoping to take some pictures of our road trip items but have yet to find them in the many boxes post move. :-) So pictures will follow... but  here is what we do for long road trips... I always put together a bag of healthy "car friendly" snacks and then together with Zoe we pick 2 or 3 books, small easy to manipulate while in the car seat toys, magna-doodle, coloring book with crayons (we received a fun crayon pocket holder during the first swap, thanks Meg & Mag).... The things I add without Zoe's knowledge usually keep her entertained the longest, I like to bring at least one new toy and one new book along on the really long road trips.  I do not run out and purchase new toys but keep my eyes peeled for fun little things at yard sales or the few times we do get happy meals I snag the toy before she see it and save them for those moments that we need a little something extra in the car! So that is what I do, nothing really special but it makes our road trips more enjoyable, but I have to say we are pretty lucky Zoe really likes to travel!

1 comment:

MegandMag said...

Having a "surprise" or new toy is a great idea for those difficult moments. Thanks for sharing.